Anh ngữ sinh động bài 249

Ðây là Chương Trình Anh Ngữ Sinh Ðộng New Dynamic English bài 249. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả. . Chức năng ngôn ngữ rất quan trọng khi thảo luận thương mại vì giúp ta hiểu người kia muốn nói gì.

Những language functions chính trong bàì học hôm nay là requesting (yêu cầu một điều gì) [Thí dụ: I’d like to ask if you could just keep in touch later]; offering (ngỏ ý, còn có nghĩa là trả giá); inviting (mời) [Thí dụ: Would you like to join me in a round of golf this afternoon?]; accepting (chấp nhận) [Thí dụ: That sounds like a great idea. Sure.]; refusing (từ chối) [Thí dụ: I’m sorry, but I have to pick up my wife from the airport.=Xin lỗi tôi không nhận lời được vì tôi phải đi đón nhà tôi ở phi trường.] Ôn lại nhóm chữ. It pays to stay in touch=giữ liên lạc chặt chẽ thì có lợi; there’s good chance that...rất có thể là. [There’s a good chance that it may rain tonight=tối nay chắc trời có thể mưa lắm.] Work out well=đem lại kết quả tốt.

Cut 1

Focus on Functions: Name that Function!

Larry: Name that Function.

Gary: Now let’s focus on Language Functions.

We’re going to review some important language functions.

These expressions are very important for conducting business in English.

Elizabeth, you’ll try to name the language function.

Eliz: OK. I’ll do my best! (tôi sẽ cố gắng hết sức)

Gary: OK, let’s begin.

Let’s listen first to Mr. Epstein.

He is talking with Mr. Blake.

Elizabeth, is he requesting --asking Mr. Blake for something-- or is he offering something to Mr. Blake?

Let’s listen.

Epstein: Also, I’d like to ask if you could just keep in touch later.


Gary: Let’s listen again.

Epstein: Also, I’d like to ask if you could just keep in touch later.

Eliz: Well, he says “I’d like to ask...”

“I’d like to ask if you could keep in touch.”

He’s asking for something...

He’s making a request.

Gary: That’s right. He’s asking Mr. Blake to stay in touch.

He’s making a request

(short pause)

Vietnamese Explanation

Bây giờ ta tiếp tục luyện nghe hiểu. Quí vị và đoán xem chức năng ngôn ngữ nào được dùng.

Cut 2

Now let’s listen to Mr. Epstein again.

Is he offering something to Mr. Blake or is he inviting Mr. Blake to do something?

Is he making an offer or is he making an invitation?

Epstein: Would you like to join me in a round of golf this afternoon?


Eliz: He says “Would you like to join me.... in a round of golf?”

He’s .... inviting Mr. Blake to play golf.

Gary: Good. He’s inviting.... making an invitation.

(short pause)

Now, let’s listen to Mr. Blake.

Is he accepting--saying Yes--or is he refusing--saying No.

Blake: That sounds like a great idea. Sure.

Eliz: Oh, he’s accepting. He says “Sure.”

He wants to play golf with Mr. Epstein.

Gary: That’s right.

Would you like to try one more?

Eliz: OK.

Vietnamese Explanation

Bây giờ ta hãy nghe những câu dùng khi chấm dứt một cuộc nói chuyện. Thanks for calling and good luck with your new job. Do keep in touch. Keep me posted. Cám ơn bạn đã gọi và chúc bạn may mắn trong công việc mới. Xin giữ liên lạc với nhau nhé! If you have a chance to pass by Washington, look me up.=nếu bạn có dịp ghé thăm Washington, thì tạt qua tôi chơi nhé.

Cut 3

Gary: This is from the recent phone conversation between Mr. Epstein and Mr. Blake.

Let’s listen.

Blake: Thanks for calling, and good luck with your new job.

Gary: Is Mr. Blake beginning a phone conversation or ending a phone conversation.

Eliz: Could I hear it again?

Gary: OK.

Blake: Thanks for calling, and good luck with your new job.

Eliz: Hmmm. Let’s see.

This must be the end of the conversation.

He thanks Mr. Epstein for calling and he wishes him good luck.

These expressions come at the end of a phone conversation.

Gary: Yes, that’s exactly right.

This is the end of the conversation, just before they say good-bye.

(short pause)

These language functions are very important in doing business in English.

Eliz: They’ll also help you create good business relationships.

Gary, thank you so much for your helpful tips about business language and culture.

Gary: Thank you, Elizabeth.

FIB Closing (changed!)

Eliz: Well, our time is up.

Thank you for listening to Functioning in Business.

Gary: Good luck in the future!

Eliz and Gary: Good-bye!

Vietnamese Explanation

Bây giờ ta hãy thực tập lại lần nữa những language functions, chức năng ngôn ngữ: requesting (yêu cầu), offering (đưa ra), making an invitation (mời), accepting an offer (nhận lời đưa ra), refusing an offer (từ chối lời mời.)

Cut 4

Repeat cut 1

Focus on Functions: Name that Function!

Larry: Name that Function.

Gary: Now let’s focus on Language Functions.

We’re going to review some important language functions.

These expressions are very important for conducting business in English.

Elizabeth, you’ll try to name the language function.

Eliz: OK. I’ll do my best!

Gary: OK, let’s begin.

Let’s listen first to Mr. Epstein.

He is talking with Mr. Blake.

Elizabeth, is he requesting --asking Mr. Blake for something-- or is he offering something to Mr. Blake?

Let’s listen.

Epstein: Also, I’d like to ask if you could just keep in touch later.


Gary: Let’s listen again.

Epstein: Also, I’d like to ask if you could just keep in touch later.

Eliz: Well, he says “I’d like to ask...”

“I’d like to ask if you could keep in touch.”

He’s asking for something...

He’s making a request.

Gary: That’s right. He’s asking Mr. Blake to stay in touch.

He’s making a request

(short pause)

Vietnamese Explanation

Hãy nghe Gary hỏi và Elizabeth tiếp tục đoán xem chức năng ngôn ngữ nào được dùng. Cũng ôn lại một nghĩa của offer, trả giá. Như trong mẩu đàm thoại sau đây ở tiệm bán xe hơi.

Woman: How much is this new car?
Dealer: $25,000.
Woman: $25,000! That’s too rich for my blood! (Too expensive for my budget--Mắc quá không mua nổi).
Dealer: Make me an offer (Thì xin bà cứ trả giá).

Cut 5

Now let’s listen to Mr. Epstein again.

Is he offering something to Mr. Blake or is he inviting Mr. Blake to do something?

Is he making an offer or is he making an invitation?

Epstein: Would you like to join me in a round of golf this afternoon?


Eliz: He says “Would you like to join me.... in a round of golf?”

He’s .... inviting Mr. Blake to play golf.

Gary: Good. He’s inviting.... making an invitation.

(short pause)

Now, let’s listen to Mr. Blake.

Is he accepting--saying Yes--or is he refusing--saying No.

Blake: That sounds like a great idea. Sure.

Eliz: Oh, he’s accepting. He says “Sure.”

He wants to play golf with Mr. Epstein.

Gary: That’s right.

Would you like to try one more?

Eliz: OK.

Vietnamese Explanation

Ta ôn lại những câu dùng khi tạm biệt, chấm dứt một cuộc nói chuyện.

Cut 6

Gary: This is from the recent phone conversation between Mr. Epstein and Mr. Blake.

Let’s listen.

Blake: Thanks for calling, and good luck with your new job.

Gary: Is Mr. Blake beginning a phone conversation or ending a phone conversation.

Eliz: Could I hear it again?

Gary: OK.

Blake: Thanks for calling, and good luck with your new job.

Eliz: Hmmm. Let’s see.

This must be the end of the conversation.

He thanks Mr. Epstein for calling and he wishes him good luck.

These expressions come at the end of a phone conversation.

Gary: Yes, that’s exactly right.

This is the end of the conversation, just before they say good-bye.

(short pause)

These language functions are very important in doing business in English.

Eliz: They’ll also help you create good business relationships.

Gary, thank you so much for your helpful tips about business language and culture.

Gary: Thank you, Elizabeth.

Eliz: Well, our time is up.

Thank you for listening to Functioning in Business.

Gary: Good luck in the future!

Eliz and Gary: Good-bye!

Vietnamese Explanation

Xin chú ý: Trong khi theo dõi bài học Anh Ngữ Sinh Ðộng, nếu quí vị có điều gì thắc mắc về cách phát âm, cách hành văn, chấm câu hay văn phạm, xin gửi Email về địa chỉ Quí vị vừa học xong bài 249 trong Chương trình Anh ngữ Sinh Ðộng New Dynamic English. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả và xin hẹn gặp lại trong một bài học khác.